Suicide is a leading cause of deaths in the United States and suicide attempts occur much more frequently than actual suicides. It is estimated that close to 1,000,000 people make a suicide attempt each year.

The best way to prevent suicide is to know the warning signs:
Talking about wanting to die or to kill themselves
Seeking out the means to commit suicide such as searching online and purchasing weapons or stashing/stealing medications
Looking for a way to kill oneself, such as searching online or obtaining a gun
Talking about feeling hopeless, feeling trapped and having no reason to live

If you are contemplating suicide and do not feel safe to be alone or with others, call 988 the Suicide Hot-line.
You are not alone. Help is a phone call or text away.
If you suspect a friend or family member is at risk for suicide, trust your instincts. It is important that you reach out and let them know you are concerned. Mental health issues are medical conditions. If you thought someone was experiencing a medical emergency such as a heart attack, you would seek immediate assistance and the same is true for suicide symptoms.

What you can do?
Talk openly ask and ask direct questions about their attentions. The more detailed the plan, the higher risk for suicide.
Be an active listener and encourage your loved one to get help from a mental health professional, suicide hotline, or trusted friend or minister.
Tell others about your concerns so they can help too
Call 988 and talk with a suicide helpline counselor/volunteer
If the person is experiencing a crisis, call 911 and get immediate help and do not leave them alone.
Here To Care
At TaraVista, we recognize that an inpatient stay is a life-changing intervention for our patients. Our clinical team is comprised of experienced professionals who have devoted their careers to the field of mental health. From admission through discharge, we empower our patients to emerge stronger and better equipped for ongoing recovery.